Do you ever notice how we carry the same goals, expectations, and choices for long periods of time? It starts with when I grow up I will be….have….earn…..receive…or more. We normally base these on what our current reality is. Which in turn shows us what choices are available. It’s basically a set of rules in our life that this is how it works, this is what we can expect and here are your choices. We then can create our goals and expectations based on these rules. But what happens when our reality changes? What happens to all the old rules? And how can we embrace the new choices available?

When our reality changes we can suddenly be put into a world of choices we are not used to. Things we are not familiar with and rules that we are unsure of. These reality changes can happen when we make bigger life changes such as career, getting married or divorced, moving and more. Our reality can change with unfortunate situations like illness or loss of a loved one, accidents or sudden financial challenges. When our reality changes so do the choices that are available to us. Our thought process needs to adjust and change to new opportunities or hard decisions. We need to look at new pathways that maybe we never thought of. When our reality changes it is important to look at the new choices opening up to us.
There are big changes happening energetically in the world that are changing our collective reality. Things being revealed, beliefs changing, institutions evolving. When this happens, it is important to adapt to the new choices presented. When we try to hold on to the old options that are no longer available it holds us in place and doesn’t allow us to move forward. If you like change you can probably adapt easily and even crave new options and choices in your life. If you are uncomfortable with change you may try to hold on harder and longer to things. Even ignore new options or choose not to see the new reality you are in.
Some people have such a hard time with a changing reality that they struggle with cognitive dissonance. This is a mental discomfort that results from holding two conflicting beliefs, values, or attitudes. For example, if you found out your spouse was cheating on you, but you couldn’t deal with the reality or consequences of it. So, you choose to create a false reality that the cheating never happened. You may never talk about it or deny it to others. You will not allow any information that would support that the spouse cheated. People use cognitive dissonance in their beliefs as well. Holding tight to something they believe in and not allowing in any information that can change it. Trying to hold on to a reality that no longer exists. But this also holds a person in place and doesn’t allow them to grow, change or allow in other choices.
Are you open to the new reality being created in your life? Are you able to accept, see and receive new choices that are coming to you? If you feel stuck in a situation, see what old reality you may be holding on to. Are you able to see it in a different way? Are you able to let go of the old reality? If so, you will be able to finally move forward with the new choices available to you now. Take some time to see what new reality is being formed for you. Then watch how new choices can open up in your life!