Authority is a powerful word that we need to talk about. Many people are starting to understand their own authority and how to take it back. Some realize they are giving too much authority to people or situations. And most are realizing how giving away their authority has affected and changed their life. So, what is authority? Authority is defined as the power to enforce laws, exact obedience, command, determine, or judge. See why it is so powerful? If given away incorrectly, it gives someone the right to tell you what’s right or wrong. They can determine if you are good or bad. Accepted or loved. Punished or shamed. It can give someone the power to tell you how to live your life. And influence decisions that can impact your life. Because of this it is important to see who you are giving authority to in your life. How is it affecting you? And is it time to reclaim your authority?

When we are children, we are taught to respect authority figures. Don’t talk back to a teacher, do what a police officer says, listen to your doctor. All seem like general good things to do. Respect for people that deserve it is a good thing. But what also needs to be taught is developing discernment. Having good judgement in a situation. Just because someone is older than you it does not make them wiser. If someone has a higher paying job it does not make them more intelligent. If you had more education and earned a degree, it does not mean you know everything. We need to learn how to discern good behavior from bad even in positions of authority. We need to be able to question things and speak up if we are being treated poorly. So yes, teach children to respect authority, but also teach them to be able to question authority in a respectful way. Know that others are not always right and feel you can discuss this openly.
Now think about your daily life. Do you give authority to family members, a spouse, friend or co-worker? Do you allow other people to make judgements about you and tell you what’s right or wrong? Do you give your power to others? If so, why? It could be the role you have played most of your life. You may need to “play by the rules” at work because you fear you will lose your job. You may try to please a friend or romantic partner and do what they want because they might find someone else. You might try to get approval from a parent that withholds love and affection. All giving power to someone else to give approval, determine if your right, demand obedience or judge how you are living your life.
Many people that are doing healing or transformation work on themselves determine that they need to reclaim back their authority. They may not even have realized how normal it was to give it away. Or how it was taught or programmed in them to do so. But no one has authority over you. Once you realize this you can experience emotional and situational freedom. If someone says you are not worthy and here are the reasons why, what gives them the authority to judge you? Instead of trying to prove them wrong, or show you are worthy, stop giving them authority over you. Instead, use discernment and look at them? Do they give love to other people? Do they treat others with respect? Are they emotionally healthy? Are they someone you respect, admire, and trust? Why would you give them authority to judge you?
Reclaim your authority in your life. If someone does not agree with you that is their right. But if they are judging you, commanding you to have the same view or determining if you are worthy, don’t give them that authority over you. If they do not respect others don’t try to change them. Or prove to them why they are wrong or why you are not what they judge you to be. Do not put the time and energy into that person or situation. Recognize unhealthy authority in your life. It could be family, friends, romance, job, or social groups. Recognize unhealthy authority in naturally feeling authority institutions like healthcare, education, finance or government. Use your discernment. Reclaim back the authority in your life and see how much healthier and happier your life can be.