Have you ever noticed how you might be trying to prove something about yourself. I am smart enough, I am pretty enough, I am worthy, I am a good person, I am kind, and so much more. What have you been struggling with to prove that you are? Do you find yourself in situations or around people that constantly question it or reinforce what you are trying to prove you are not? If I can just show them, convince them, get them to see my side. Drawing in even more situations that force you to prove or constantly questioned. Until one day it hits you, what am I doing? What am I fighting to prove? And in that moment, you free yourself from an old belief or program that you have been fighting against for so long.

What old beliefs or programing have you been fighting against? Are you tired of constantly trying to prove or get others to believe? No matter what you do or try it is just the same fight, the same experience of always proving. Say you are an over giver. Someone who puts other people’s needs before your own. You may subconsciously be trying to earn love from others, show you are worthy or are a good person. It is a belief that you are not allowed to receive or your needs are not important. You may always look for the person that questioned your worthiness, the job that challenged you to prove you are good at it. The situations that were always required from you and it was never enough. Why did you seek these out? To try and finally win. Prove them wrong. Show it to others or achieve something. It was your way to win the fight. But the fight takes a lot of energy, it takes time away from you. It costs more that wining the fight.
So why fight? Why prove? Why does it matter if someone has a negative opinion or experience with you? Instead of always fighting why not walk away. If someone keeps making you feel like you are not enough, or a bad person why continue to fight it? If someone wants to think that of you it says more about them than it does about you. If someone doesn’t like the work you do, maybe it’s time to find a job that they appreciate your work. Not to try and convince or fight someone that doesn’t resonate. Why fight anymore? Why keep trying to win an unwinnable game? Why let others continue to support a harmful belief or lie you tell yourself?
Instead, it’s time to find loving energy. Supportive energy. People that resonate with you. Love you for who you are just as you are. People that don’t need you to prove anything. That respects your energy. That do not try to bend or manipulate you to fit their needs. Find the people and situations that raise you up. Find healthy people and situations that are capable of sharing love. Put ownership and responsibility on other people’s actions. If they are saying negative things about people, maybe it is their issue. If they are highly critical of others, maybe they feel insecure with themselves. The actions and behavior people share are a direct reflection of what is going on inside of them. Stop absorbing their pain, insecurities or self-loathing. Put the ownership where it belongs on them.
Stop playing the endless game of trying to prove to others. You have nothing to prove. Instead, find people and situations that are healthy and love and respect you for who you are as you are now. Find people that love themselves, have confidence and share that energy freely with others. Find workplaces that respect their employees, lift them up and support their growth. Are people using negativity or criticism to always point out what is wrong? Or are they expressing what they are excited and supportive of? If you have been trying to prove something in your life, look at who you are trying to prove it to and for what reason. The more awareness you have the more you can free yourself from the old harmful proving energy.