For many people going through a life change can be challenging. It is a crumbling of your old world and a discovery of something new. When you run out of steam and get tired of the same behaviors and outcomes in your life. When you ask for help and are willing to try something radically new. When being uncomfortable is no longer more appealing than taking a risk or chance. It is a different journey for each person. Some can move through quickly and decisively and others may need to explore all options, try everything before making that big change. It can be confusing, isolating and even scary. But there are signs along the way that you are on a path to a change in your life for the better.

1. Understanding the definition of insanity
Yes, this is a big one. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. Most of us do this automatically. We continue to try harder, put in more effort, take more ownership, work on ourselves and on and on. But all we are really doing is the same energetic behavior over and over again. For example, you may have felt unworthy or unlovable. Always trying to do more, give more and be more. This could be in a relationship, job or both. Always feeling you need to be better to earn or deserve love or respect. But what if the issue isn’t being better. What if it is holding others responsible for their actions. This radicle change in perspective would be needed to make a real change in your life. Start questioning old behavior and analyze beliefs to allow for a new solution to appear.
2. Feeling isolated or Alone
When you make radical changes in your life, there are going to be big changes. This means that you need to allow that gap of letting go of the old and getting ready to receive the new. This time in your transformation can feel isolating and lonely. And it is a big reason why so many try to make changes but revert back to the old. You may lose that core foundation of perceived support. You may no longer connect with people that were a big part of your past. You may need to put up boundaries from toxic people and situations. This isolation is a transition. It is like cleaning out a closet to have space for new clothes. You might miss the old, but they do not resonate with the new you.
3. Unsure of what you want or like
You have spent a lot of time deciding what you don’t want. Old behaviors, relationships and situations that need to go may be easier to detect. But what are you moving towards? What do you want to create and start bringing into your life? This can be a hard phase for a lot of people. You may never have put your needs first or even thought good things were possible. Big changes and dreams may have felt like winning the lottery. But it is important to start finding things to move towards. Start understanding the energy you want to receive in your life. Love, respect, empathy, creativity and more. Once we decide on the energy we can start receiving samples. Things to try and see what we like. You may find hidden talents you never knew you had. You may find new passions. But more importantly you will find out who you are now and discover things that you never allowed into your life in the past. Allow yourself to explore, play, try and sample. See what you like now.
4. Reclaiming Your Authority
Through your journey you will finally reclaim your authority. This means making decisions for you. Not as easily influenced by others. Learning to trust yourself. Instead of choosing life for the benefit of those around you. You will finally understand your own needs and hear your own voice. This is the only way to navigate through life to find what resonates with you and get in the flow of life. You can still have empathy, care, concern and love for others but no longer at the expense of your needs. This healthy balance will help you finally be able to choose for you and live the life that suits you.
Do you notice any of these signs in your life? Are you or have you made a life change? If so give yourself so much credit. Know that it is time and trust your instincts. There is a lot of supportive energy happening for major life changes. It may seem chaotic, but it can also free you from old holds and walking the same path. This is also happening on a larger scale worldwide. When we see bigger changes happening, think about how you want the world to change and what we want to create moving forward. Let yourself play and explore who you are now. Decide what energies you want to discover and receive moving forward. Free yourself from the old path and see what new wonderful things are ahead.